Saptarishi - Seven Sages | ARTHA | AMAZING FACTS

2019-02-05 3

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1 The term Saptarishi is taken from the Sanskrit word “saptarṣi” which can be literally translated as "seven sages".
2. Saptarishi collectively consists of seven Rishis or sages who are mainly glorified in Vedas and other Hindu literature.
3. Some of these Rishis were actually the Manasa Putra which means the sons born from Brahma’s mind.
4. Initially, the Vedas never counted these Rishis by their names, but later they were named in the Vedic texts.
5. The Vedas consider these seven sages as the founders of the Vedic religion and their wives were sisters called Krttika.
6. Saptarishis are indeed a hierarchy working and accordingly every generation of Manavas(human) is guided by a different batch of Saptarishi.
7. The current batch of Saptarishi namely includes Kashyapa, Atri, Vashista, Vishvamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni and Bharadvaja.
8. Hindus also believe that the Saptarishis are those seven brightest stars of Ursa major constellation.

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